Did you get a traffic ticket? Call us at 315-479-7874 and we can help you get it reduced.

Handle your ticket from the comfort of home. Submit your ticket via cell phone picture.

Let your love of fast cars get the best of you?

Give us a call, we'll show you how easy and painless handling your ticket can be.

Ticketed for traveling at warp speed?

Use our website to beam your ticket up to us. We make the process painless, unlike transporter accidents...

Just a few of our many satisfied clients.

Our process is quick and easy. Call us today at 315-479-7874 and find out for yourself why our clients use Ticket Doctor time and time again.

Save money, time, & avoid going to Court! | Over 16,000 tickets handled!

Upload your ticket here!

Take a pic using your cell phone or scan the ticket with a computer and upload your ticket! You can also fax a copy of your ticket to us 315-424-0775 or email it directly to ticket@ticketdoctor.net. Most tickets are handled without you having to go to Court.

Speeding & other tickets.

The DMV adds points to your license as a penalty for pleading guilty to speeding and other tickets. Insurance companies normally raise rates for getting these points. We normally get those points reduced to zero point violations which prevents your insurance rates going up and which carry less of a fine than the original charge.

Accident Tickets

Accidents are stressful enough. Besides the hassle of insurance calls and vehicle repairs, you now have to deal with a ticket. Ticket Doctor handle your ticket for you so you can avoid having to go to Court or writing letters hoping for a quick response. From pleading you guilty to personally notifying you of the outcome, we make the process of handling your ticket painless and easy!

DWI's and UPM's

No one plans on being arrested for Driving While Intoxicated or ticketed for Unlawful Possession of Marihuana. If it happens to someone their worst fears take over. Will I go to jail? Will I lose my driver’s license? How much is this going to cost me? Felasco and Cuomo has been handling DWI, UPM cases and other serious traffic violations for more than 20 years.

At Ticket Doctor we use our extensive legal experience and local Court knowledge to make sure you get the best reduction possible to your traffic ticket.

Ticket Doctor strives to make handling your traffic ticket as quick and easy as possible. Our clients often say that our process seems too easy or thank us for calming their fears about dealing with their traffic ticket.

We will tell you all of your options including when you don't need to use our services at all. If you have a ticket in a Court or County that we do not handle we will try to refer you to someone who can help you.

Call us at 315-479-7874 and see why over 16,000 people have used Ticket Doctor.